Quality Circle Operation Workshop Saarbrücken

September 2020 - Video Conference

Quality Circle Operation Workshop Saarbrücken



Friday, 25th of September 2020 from 08:30 to 15:00 via Video Conference


After our successful Quality Circle Operation Workshop last summer in Forbach in cooperation of DB Netz, SNCF Rèseau and French/German Railway Undertakings, the RFC Atlantic was asked to organize a follow-up meeting in Saarbrücken. Due to the current COVID-19-Virus we will have a virtual meeting via video conference.


Draft Agenda:

Currently we have planned to tackle the following topics which are all relevant for our French-German rail freight business. However, it may be necessary to prioritize the topics due to time constraints.

  • Presentation of general train performance analysis and a dwelling time KPI concept
  • Status report of SNCF Réseau and DB Netz project to harmonize the train numbering for ad-hoc trains
  • Update from SNCF Réseau about the re-location of train driver change in Forbach for direction FR to DE
  • Report from DB Cargo / ECR about a Train Linking pilot in TIS (https://tis.rne.eu/) with the target to improve international real-time information
  • Update on the improvement of the exceptional transport process and the use of the chat-translation tool Assistify
  • Update on the status of French/German language project to facilitate communication between loco driver and traffic controller
  • Presentation of UIC X-Border project “Concept for an ideal border section” with a focus on the Forbach/Saarbrücken region
  • Discussion about our future cross-border collaboration: Do we want to come from one-off workshops to a continuous improvement process with regular exchange?
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